News & Announcements

Information and Application - Board Nominations

Information and Application for the HLA Ohio Board of Directors

2024-2025 term

Click here to read job descriptions, duties and time commitment via our Executive Handbook. We are happy to answer any questions.

PLEASE complete by 5:00 pm (EDT), Friday, August 31, 2024

  • Please direct any questions regarding the application process to
  • Your application will be acknowledged within 3 business days.

Membership Requirement: All officers must be Active members of the Association. All officers must be employed in a leadership position in the field of medical group practice or other health care management related field.

Term Commitment:  Terms of office shall begin and end on the following October 1 and September 30

Current Term Available Board Positions: please select all for which you are interested in serving

  • President-Elect – a three-year term commitment and rolls through the officer positions of: President-Elect, President, Immediate Past President annually
  • Secretary – a one-year term commitment, which is renewable annually for individuals interested in serving for a longer period of time
  • Member At Large – a two-year term commitment, which is renewable for 1 additional year for a total maximum 3 years of service

Click here to read job descriptions, duties and time commitment via our Executive Handbook. We are happy to answer any questions.

Name: *
Title: *
Company: *
City: *
Phone: *
Years in Current Position : *
Previous position and dates : *
Education / Highest degree earned / Certifications: *
Years of experience in Healthcare Field: *
Your Current Group size (# FTE Providers):
Are you willing to accept time and financial commitments in serving as an HLA Ohio Board Member? HLA Ohio Board members can expect to spend a minimum of 4-5 days annually (not including travel time) attending conferences, association hosted events or face-to-face board meetings, as well as participation in 1-3 board/committee teleconference meetings annually. Members of the Executive Committee and/or Members at Large may also be assigned to perform other committee activities, such as outreach, planning, or chairing of needed committees. Conference/Event registration fees, mileage and some specific expenses for board/committee participation and related activity are covered by HLA Ohio according to our current reimbursement policies. : *
Please describe the contribution(s), talents or skills you can apply as an HLA Ohio Board Member. : *
Please describe any other personal or career achievements, organization leadership positions (civic, educational, charitable), or honors and awards received that you would like the nominating committee to know about you.: *
Curriculum Vitae, bio sketches and resumes can be uploaded as a supplement to this form but are not required. :
(Valid File Types: bmp,csv,doc,docx,eps,gif,jpeg,jpg,mfp,pdf,png,ppt,pptx,rft,swf,tif,txt,xls,xlsx | Maximum File Size : 5.0 MB)
I attest the information in my submission to be true and accurate.: *
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